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This website has been created for YOU! Read the activities, and the analysis, and explore all the resources that have been brought together for you!

As part of the hurdle requirement for dance and drama, we were asked to attend the Music and Movement festival of Geelong. This is where students created their own act some involving various instruments, dances and singing. Some of the key ones that I saw were a school that were using recycled bottles and objects to create music, as well as a very cute Peter Pan. The children were completely engaged in that they took part of, and seemed to enjoy every moment of being on stage.


Drama/Dance day out

The Art rotation involved a trip to the Shaun Tan exhibition and the graffiti wall on Hosier lane. It gave several ideas that could be used in the classroom such as using sketches to create a story, and from these sketches creating model with plasticine. Children could also be able to use spray paint to express themselves with any subject matter they choose, relating closely to Hosier lane, and drawing upon what was seen.

Arts day out
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Deakin University

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Weeks 1-3

As part of my rotation, I began with Dance and Drama. The focus of this subject was using your body and movement to symbolise words and emotions. To be fully engaged, confidence was needed and for those who weren't so confident, the teacher used various activities to engage them at the beginning of the lesson, such as yelling very loudly, and doing various actions. Some of the key focuses throughout dance and drama were "Down at the waterhole, what did I see?", "What's in a name?" and "Where the Wild things are". 

Each Week
Weeks 7-9

The last rotation was focused of visual art. By incorporating the use of technology, it demonstrated the various ways art could be taught in a primary school setting. By also exploring the various elements and principles, activites were demonstrated for children to get a grasp of these various concepts and use them to be able to evaluate and analysis a piece of art. The rotation also demonstrated an importance of art in a classroom as a way for children to express their emotions.

My next rotation was Music. Through the next three weeks, we learnt about three different types of approaches to teaching music as we explored a range of different songs and instruments. by undertaking these tasks I gained an understanding of how music can and should be used in an ordinary class to engage children. The three approaches we explored were the Creative Music approach, the Orff approach and the Kodaly approach. 

Weeks 4-6
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